Thursday, July 27, 2006

Mmmmmm....deer. This savage beast was only 20 feet away, staring straight at me; no doubt it was thirsty for human blood. The only protection that we have from these dangerous predators are our cars. Bambi is out looking for revenge, so run him over before it's too late.

Also, a photo of a tree. Not quite as dangerous as a deer, but still, it looked kind of scary so I kept my distance.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Some more photos from the Florida Keys. The first and third are of a small island (only a few hundred feet long), taken from the same location but at different levels of zoom. The two other photos are obviously of a bridge, although I would recommend against attempting to drive across it.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

These are of a squall line moving through the Florida Keys. As I recall, this location is about halfway from Miami to Key West.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Here are some photos from an airplane (the ones where you can see part of a plane in the picture). The first photo is of a subsun over a deck of stratus. The fourth photo is of a halo around the sun, and the last photo is just clouds with no special optical phenomenon (other than being cool). The third photo is of cirrus clouds (as seen from the ground) in Atlanta in early February. Finally, the weird looking photo is of the sun, after I messed with the contrast and shading to make it look this way (the photo, not the sun itself, although I do have such powers).